Commenting Policy
Welcome to Bilingual Arte’s commenting policy page.
We try our best to make sure that the discussions on our articles are troll, spam and abuse free but we’re not omnipresent. We value and seek all protection to the privacy and experience of our users in particular, children. Our comment policy by law must observe the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule (COPPR). Any comment that violates COPPA or COPPR will be removed and will be reported to the respective local and federal law enforcement agencies.
The comment section can be a great place for families to share their opinion and impressions of the art produced during private sessions - it can be a great place for all to continue practicing new language skills with our community!
To ensure that your experience with the Bilingual Arte commenting section is productive and pleasant for all, please make sure to stick to the following guidelines:
Be polite and respectful with everyone and towards every art piece or picture shared. Remember that there is a person behind the screen and that your words affect people.
Support and be positive! We appreciate and welcome criticism towards writers here, but comments that add no value to the discussion or that are merely insulting would be deleted without exception.
Please refrain from posting advertising of any kind and limit your comments to be about what is being posted.
Avoidance of any of these guidelines, will requiere from moderators to remove the comment and it may also ban you from participating in the discussions. If you find comments that violate these guidelines, please ‘flag’ or ‘mark as spam’ – our moderators highly appreciate your support!
Happy commenting!